22 July 2011

Encouraging Child Fitness with a Wii Weight Loss Plan

Are you concerned about inactive children and teenagers? Wii weight loss plans are becoming extremely popular as a means to get them up and moving when sometimes it seems that the only part of their body that gets a workout is their fingers operating the game pad. Wii fitness games provide an excellent way to engage them in an exercise program without having to drag them away from the television and game console. So turn their obsession with video games into a means to increase fitness. Wii weight loss plans are cheaper than the gym but still provide a wide variety of exercises that your child or teen will love. And the best thing is, a Wii weight loss plan allows you to involve the whole family so you can benefit from increased fitness too. If your children need to lose weight, they need exercise they can enjoy. If exercising is a drag they’re not likely to persist with it.

Most personal trainers recommend a minimum of 60 minutes of cardio exercise every day for children and teenagers want to maintain healthy weight and fitness levels. If they have never shown an interest in other forms of exercise but they like playing console games then Wii fitness programs provide an excellent option.

Wii games can be customized to their fitness level and they can even track their progress. Over time, you will actually see evidence of their increasing fitness levels and a leaner and more toned body. Kids don’t really care that much if they’re losing weight, as long as they are having fun they will continue to play the games.

Some of the Wii fitness games available include:
  • Wii Fitness Ultimatum (with Gillian Michaels)
  • Wii Biggest loser
  • Wii Sports Resort
  • Wii Water Sports
  • Wii Sports Plus
  • Wii Dance Party
  • Wii Sports
  • Wii Fit
Using a Wii fit program to improve fitness is a great help, but remember, exercise is only one element of fitness. It is also necessary to address their diet if you want to optimize their weight loss. It may surprize you to know that this doesn’t necessarily mean cutting back the amount they eat, it can simply be a matter of changing the types of food they eat.

When they eat appropriate portions of healthy food as frequently as they should they will be able to eat all the food they need without feeling hungry. It is recommended that we eat 5 or 6 small meals per day, three main meals (smaller portions than they would have if only having three meals) and the rest snacks like a piece of fruit or a small can of tuna or salmon or maybe the occasional cookie or cake, just don’t overdo it on sugary snacks. Avoid feeding them large amounts in the evening as metabolism naturally slows at that time, better to have a big lunch and a light dinner. It is important to maintain the right balance of foods, a balance of 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein is generally recommended. If you follow this you will discover that they aren’t hungry and their energy levels will be enviable.

Adequate hydration is also crucial to losing weight. When we become dehydrated our body ceases to function at optimal levels – our metabolism slows down and our body starts retaining toxins and fluid (since it doesn’t want to release what fluid it has). Ensure that they drink plenty of water to avoid this. The recommended daily water intake is 8 glasses.

When it comes to losing weight it’s important to remember the three pronged approach: eat right, drink enough, and exercise frequently. If they do this consistently they are guaranteed to lose weight. So if you want to improve their fitness and make weight loss fun try incorporating a wii weight loss plan for their exercise so they don’t get bored.

source : weightlosstips4kids

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