Air popped popcorn is one of the best snacks to choose for overall crunch appeal. Its light, healthy and provides a high amount of fiber. You can pickup a air popper for about $10-15 at your local Wal-Mart or Target. Bags of popcorn kernels are very inexpensive and will last you a while. For extra taste, add a few squirts of fat free butter spray and a pinch of seasoning salt.
Microwave vs. Air Popped Popcorn
Although air popped popcorn is much healthier for you, there are also a few choices if you don't have access to an air popper and want to go the microwave route. Choose low-fat microwave popcorn with no more than a few grams of fat per serving. Once of my top picks is "Orville Redenbacher's 94% Fat Free Smart Pop". It only has a few grams of fat per serving, tastes amazing and always pops a full bag.
Stay away from the fat and calorie packed flavored versions of microwave popcorn. These include kettle corn, movie theater butter and cheese flavored popcorn. These contain a very high amount of fat per serving and since there are 9 calories per gram of fat, the calories start adding up very fast.
Serving: 1 cup
Calories: 31
Fat: 0.4g
Carbs: 6.2g
Protein: 1g